We Want To Meet You This Weekend!

What You Need To Know

Times & Location

Sabbath (Saturday) | 10:30am
Corporate Prayer| Wednesdays | 7p


Our facility is located in a shopping center, so there is plenty of free parking!

Dress Code

Come as you are! We have some who attend in shorts and t-shirts, and others who wear button down shirts or dresses.
We want you to feel comfortable!

For the Kids

Our service is family friendly, and we have Kingdom Kids available for ages 0-12.
Let us know below if you'll have kids with you!

What Can You Expect?

What is an Epic Life gathering like?

Services start with the call to worship with the blowing of the Shofars. We value Adonai's promises, with the reciting of the Shema.
After the Shema a member of our teaching team will share the Torah Portion which everyone is encouraged to follow along.
After the Torah Portion, our Worship team leads the church in music - song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable.Then our Pastor will bring the Message filled with an encouraging and inspiring message to help disciple our community.
After service we celebrate the sabbath with Oneg (delight). A time of eating and fellowshipping with one another. This is open for everyone and is a potluck meal.

What about my kids?

Kingdom Kids is available for children birth – 12 years of age. We want your kids to be able to learn and grow alongside you, so kids 8 years and older will remain with their family through worship time and be dismissed to their class where we provide a fun time with Biblical teaching for our students!

What's the culture like at ELC?

At ELC our desire is to grow into authentic disciples of Yeshua. Walking in a real love towards God with all of our hearts and a real love for one another. Our Mission is to be a loving community living life together. We are people from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds, all One in Messiah.

Let Us Know You're Coming!

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How Can We Help?
Let us know if you have any questions or would like more information about ELC! Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
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